--- English ---

Welcome to this editorial and self-publishing webpage focused on the Soviet Air Force, military content and Law and Enforcement topics.

War veterans taught me to tell their story: 

I cannot write the story from my point of view, because I belong to another generation, and because I could distort their story and lose my credibility and neutrality, so I seek, compile, verify and present all the data from both sides in conflict, and the reader must form his or her own opinion on the matter.

--- Español ---

Bienvenido a esta página web de autoedición dedicada a la Fuerza Aérea Soviética, contenido militar y policial.

Los veteranos de guerra me enseñaron a contar su historia, tal cual, sin alterar ni ofrecer un punto de vista actual, porque esto sería distorsionar el relato y perdería mi credibilidad y neutralidad, así que busco, compilo, verifico y expongo todos los datos, de ambas partes en conflicto, y el lector deberá formarse su opinión al respecto.