The series covers the VVS air operations from June 1941 to May 1945.
In the first volume he author tries immerse the reader in the atmosphere that existed in the USSR at that time, to make the reader know that politics played a decisive role in the life of each of the inhabitants of the USSR and to appreciate how military operations were carried out, to see that they were taken in accordance with the political interests of the USSR to prevail over others. The main battles are listed in a generalised manner from the Soviet point of view, although examples of courage are given which served as inspiration and about which much was written at that time to raise the morale of the soldiers. An attempt has been made to limit each operation to 20-25 pages, so as not to make the book excessively long and dense.
Subsequent books focus on one month of fighting, divided into sections, one for each day of the current month. Each day is divided into the following subsections:
- Air operations,
- AOB,
- Combat reports and losses of the VVS, VVS VMF and the Luftwaffe,
- Tactics,
- Developments of the aircraft industry in the rearguard,
- Evacuation and deployment of Soviet factories,
- Comparative tables and
- Enemy intelligence reports.
The data has been cross-checked with the archives of the Russian Federation and with Luftwaffe loss reports.
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