Welcome to this self-publishing web focused on the VVS air operations during the Great Patriotic War period, between June 22, 1941 and May 9, 1945.
This research work has been carried out since 1998 on the effort made by the USSR to fight against Germany, produce aircraft and send them to the front while their factories were evacuated to a safe place in the rearguard.
The huge official documentation available in the archives of the Russian Federation has changed the previously accepted perspective on Soviet aeronautics for that period of time.
The translated, compiled and verified data will be published on this web as it becomes available.
Despite the fact that the author tries to express the information from the most neutral point of view, the reader or researcher will be able to get an idea of the quarrels between commanders, designers, their search for political influence, acts of sabotage, complaints, blackmail and favours, added to the geostrategic situation, the international trade ties, the supply issues, the inventiveness to find substitutes for raw materials and the great respect for all the people who came together to fight for their nation, each one giving the maximum they could, in extreme conditions and in a constant struggle for five long years.
"VVS operations during the Great Patriotic War 1941-45" is a set of books that span from June 1941 to May 1945, when the Great Patriotic War ended, but continues to detail how the Soviet Union included German technology in its aircraft industry and captured materiel at its facilities.
Initially targeted to military researchers, personnel with a good theoretical background and academic training on the topic and computer tools for searching and gathering information, the author will try to write his books in a way that would be better to read and understand.
The book series is strictly focused on the Soviet Air Force and the Soviet aircraft industry.
The authors planned to include only VVS AOB's because their research focuses on the aviation industry, its developments and combat tests in selected units, so a complete OB is not provided. He cannot tackle a work of such magnitude because it would be endless, and because Mr. Argüelles-Martinez has already published a superb research work that deals with the topic in a deep and accurate manner.